Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I'VE GOT A NEW BLOG!! | alabama photographer
you can find the new blog at see ya over there!
Friday, February 20, 2009
developments on the horizon . . . | alabama children's photographer
why, you ask, would i invest in a new blog when i don't even post on this one?? well, i *want* to post (i've even built in a little motivation by offering free sessions when i don't post), but i've had an itch for a great blog . . . and IT'S ALMOST HERE!!
soooooooooooooo, all posts are officially on hold for the moment. :-D ;-D :-D
Y monica
Thursday, February 12, 2009
she's all aglow . . . | georgia maternity photographer
these are two of my faves from T's session. you might remember her from an earlier post - she came over from georgia for our session, and i am oh-so-glad she did.

i'd love to hear your thoughts on the direction i'm taking my maternity sesssions, so post a comment or shoot me an email!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
a complimentary session | alabama children's photographer
congratulations "h" family - i can't wait to see you in april for your free session!!
Y monica
Sunday, January 25, 2009
oh, how I love thee . . . | alabama family photographer

For larger view, click here.
*you will also receive a 20% discount on all prints you order from the session!!
Y monica
Friday, January 23, 2009
don't be shy | alabama lifestyle photographer
it's so simple: every month i will give a complimentary session to the person who posts the most comments on my blog! the only prerequisites are (1) there must have been at least 15 comments during the month and (2) the comments must be from at least 7 different people!! this should be interesting - i don't think i have had 15 comments TOTAL since the inception of this blog . . . ;-D
Y monica
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
kissable | alabama newborn photographer
i love images that make me smile. this first one gets me every time!

Y monica
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
the year of the blog | alabama photographer
i rarely make new year's resolutions, but i did this year: i will endeavor to blog AT LEAST once a week! in fact, i'm going to give away FREE stuff when i don't.
here are the details:
every time i go more than seven (7) days without posting, be sure to shoot me an email reminding me to post. the first person who emails me after each such incident gets a FREE SESSION!!!! if there has ever been a "sure thing," this is it - just look at my posting history!
Y monica
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
the perfect Christmas gift | alabama newborn photographer
He let us do just about anything with him, so I came away with so many fun shots! In fact, I had so much fun with this family that I conned them into a second day of shooting!! ;-)
No, seriously, it was very gloomy out the first day, so we ran out of light. Two days later we picked up where we left off.
And when I saw this one, my heart jumped!! I love, love, love the perspective here - Daddy's huge hands surrounding Baby C's tiny feet. Normally, I wouldn't capture an image in which baby's feet are at all hidden (at least not intentionally), but this one just grabbed me, so I grabbed back - and I'm glad I did!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
such a beautiful time . . . | alabama maternity photographer
All of the models I photographed for these maternity sessions were so great! They were all so willing to try [almost] anything I suggested. Seriously, they were real troopers. I'm not too far removed from their condition, so I am particularly impressed with how great these mommies-to-be were to work with.
I got a HUGE variety of images that I can't wait to get on my website. Here are a couple of images from one of the recent maternity sessions! I love these images - and the really fun thing for me is that these aren't even my favorites!!! There are so many great shots of T that I just had to share a couple real quick.

Thanks again, ladies! I had so much fun, and I can't wait to meet those precious babies.
Friday, October 17, 2008
i need a model | birmingham maternity photographer
I have a ton of great ideas in my head for maternity sessions, and I need a willing participant or two. I'm going for a particular look here, so I need someone who:
- is 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 months pregnant
- is comfortable in her skin
- is fashion-savvy
- has kept in shape during the pregnancy (i'm going for the "basketball" belly here)
- is photogenic (;-D)
This will be a creative session for me, so expect to have a lot of fun! Unfortunately, I only need one or two models, so I will not be able to photograph everyone who volunteers. Oh, and I need to do it soon before the holiday season gets too crazy!!
If this sounds like fun to you, shoot me an email telling me a little about yourself. Also, please send a recent snapshot of yourself if you have one (the snapshot will be helpful, but it is not required to be considered).
I can't wait to hear from you.
Monday, October 13, 2008
another gift . . . | birmingham, alabama photographer
I will try to post a picture of this gift later today . . . I'm loading up all my little ones this morning to go see my adorable grandfather ("Pa"). I could just gush about him all day!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
AMAZING GIFTS, Collections and Limited Edition Sessions | birmingham, alabama photographer
Like most people, I have always LOVED Christmas! This year seems more special than any in the past, though - I have a great husband and 3 GORGEOUS babies! (Well, they're not all "babies" - my 5 (almost 6) year old literally almost comes up to my shoulder . . . and I'm 5'5"! And my middle child - who prefers to be called "Incredible Hulk" these days - will very quickly let me know he's no baby. But they're MY babies!) This is our youngest's First Christmas, and the other two are at the age when things are magical! Sooo . . . I'm in the spirit early!
Gosh, I should really break this up into several posts, but I've gotta just spit it all out for now. In no particular order:
OCTOBER MINI-SESSIONS Sunday, October 26 and Tuesday, October 28 I have never done these before, but I thought I would give them a try. These sessions will work perfectly for those who need to get holiday cards together but don't need a "regular" session at the moment. Here are the details:
~ 20-minute sessions (scheduled at 30 minute intervals from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.)
~ 10 to 15 images shown in color AND black and white (for a total of 20-30 proofs)
~ your own private, online gallery
~ limited to 4 people per session
~ all prints, cards and other products sold a la carte
The first of these sessions (October 26) will be in downtown Homewood / SOHO. I have done several sessions there recently, and my clients (and I) have been absolutely THRILLED with the images each time!!! There are so many great things this location offers: excellent lighting, great textures and vibrant colors.
The second set of mini sessions (October 28) will be at a more traditional location - Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Be prepared to throw a fresh spin on the Gardens sessions, though. Think colorful, playful and relaxed!!
I have a feeling these sessions will book quickly, so call or shoot me an email to schedule soon.
AMAZING GIFTS All regular sessions scheduled during the month of October include a very fun gift (yes, that means FREE) designed with images from the session. There is a different gift for each week. Everyone who calls this week to schedule a session will receive (2) accordion brag books!

These are the perfect size (3x3), and each will contain 10 images from the session. These accordion books are not even available for purchase, so this is your chance to get them!
My plan is to post the gift for the coming week each Sunday night, so be sure to check back each Monday morning to see what's coming up! There are only a handful of sessions left in October, so keep that in mind if you are hoping to schedule!
*note: these gifts are not available with mini sessions.
LIMITED EDITION COLLECTIONS I have had so many requests for "collections" that I have put some together for just this season. There are several options - at all different price points and with many different size variations!! These collections are intended to (1) help you knock out as many holiday gifts as possible and (2) save $$ while you're at it!!! Click
here for details!!***
DIGITAL IMAGES NOW AVAILABLE!!! This is a very recent addition. If you want to have your own holiday (or other) cards printed, this is the solution! Please visit the "rates" section of our website for more information!
Special savings for October and November ONLY!! Purchase either the Gallery Keepsake Box or Gallery Album for only $450 (each is normally $750!!!!).
I guess that's all for now, but check back because I'm already thinking of some other surprises to throw your way! And I have a really fun announcement to make later this month regarding Monica Carroll Photography!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
NILMDTS Annual Funds Drive
I have been commissioned for two such sessions in the past few months. On the one hand, I am very selfishly relieved that I have not had more. As the mother of 3 small children, I am absolutely shaken to the core every time I view the images or recall my time spent with the families - especially the little ones. On the other, though, I deeply believe NILMDTS provides an invaluable service. I am grateful for the opportunity to provide these sessions, and my dear husband (who produces a beautiful DVD presentation for the families) and I will continue our involvement as long as we are physically and emotionally able.
Below is information I received regarding NILMDTS's annual funds drive. Please take a minute to look it over. Also, if you are interested in learning more about NILMDTS, please visit
Y monica

With the Month of October being recognized as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, The Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation holds its Annual Fund Drive for six weeks starting in mid-September and ending in October.
President Ronald Reagan enacted Proclamation 5890 in October of 1988 to recognize that each year, approximately a million pregnancies in the United States alone end in miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of a newborn child. Reagan stated, "A national observance offers us the opportunity to increase our understanding of the great tragedy involved in the deaths of unborn or newborn babies. It also enables us to consider how, as individuals and communities, we can meet the needs of bereaved parents and family members... " To read the full Proclamation signed by Reagan, CLICK HERE.
If you are in a place to make even a small contribution to NILMDTS, please know that doing so will continue to allow the organization to provide improved resources, training, communication, and other tools necessary in support of our amazing contingent of professional photographers who provide the gift of free remembrance portraiture to families in need. NILMDTS's next project is an online, interactive webinar version of our Formal NILMDTS Training taught by Co-Founder Sandy Puc', which will allow anyone in any country with access to a computer to complete the course online. Donations help make programs like this a reality!
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep is recognized as an IRS 501(c)3 charitable organization (Tax ID#77-0656322) and your donations are always entirely tax deductible. When you donate, you will receive a thank you card that serves as your receipt as well as an enclosed card you may to send to the family of whomever you made the donation in memory of.
With an average of 2-million hits per month on our web site, imagine if everyone contributed just $5 to the organization!
Your donation truly will make a significant difference in the continued success of NILMDTS.
If you wish to make a donation, you can do so through the secure website by clicking here. NILMDTS is run 100% on donations and we truly could not provide the support necessary to the photographer volunteers without the kind generosity of donors like you.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Babypalooza winners . . .
1) Whitney Rogers;
2) Latoya Brooks; and
3) Stefanie Scott.
Each of the winners receives one FREE SESSION!! I have also e-mailed/snail-mailed each winner with all the info you need to take full advantage! CONGRATULATIONS!
For the rest of you, don't forget to check back from time to time. I plan to introduce some other fun things in the coming weeks!
til then . . .
Friday, September 19, 2008
Holiday cards are HERE!!
So click here to check out the designs . . . and then call me to schedule your session! ;-D
Anyway, so last weekend we participated in Babypalooza - a baby expo held at Brookwood mall. Somehow it had flown under my radar until about 12 days before the event - TWELVE DAYS! There was so very much to do to get ready and so little time to do it, but we pulled it off for the most part.
So many fun families stopped by our booth. So many, in fact, that I ran out of business cards - and I had 450 (so for those of you who got a handwritten business card, please forgive me). To all of you who stopped by, thanks so much for the feedback - it was so great to hear that you love what we are doing!
As a lot of you know, I am giving complimentary photography sessions to 3 very lucky people who visited us at the expo. I will announce those winners Monday (the 22nd), so be sure to check back. I will also email (or "snail mail" those who didn't list an email address) the winners. How *fun* that is going to be!!!
til then . . .
Monday, September 1, 2008
Please feel free to shoot me an email at my alternate address ( - I'll be happy to email you when the designs are up!! Thanks so much for your patience!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Today I met an Angel . . .
Noah was taken off his ventilator this morning, and I arrived around 9:30 a.m. to photograph this beautiful family. I spent less than an hour with the Lauers, but my time with them has changed me forever. I was immediately captivated by Little Noah.
My purpose was to photograph Noah with his parents, so I spent very little time interacting with him, but he stole my heart - every perfect little ounce of him. After the session, Noah's nurse, Amy, shared with me her perspective: what a gift from God to have shared with Noah some of his last few moments here.
Noah's little body was tired, and now he is at peace. He has been perfectly healed. God called Noah home just a few minutes before 1 p.m. today.
I cannot fathom the pain his parents are experiencing. Please pray for peace and comfort for all those who love Noah. If you would like to visit their blog, you can find it here:
Remember when I said to keep your eyes peeled?
The first person to email me ( and reference this post will receive a COMPLIMENTARY SESSION!!!!!
*note: the session must occur on or before September 15, 2008